"Teachers were much more likely to make substantial changes in their classroom practice when they learned about the policy message from a coach than from other sources."
Coburn, C.E. and Woulfin, S.L. "Reading Coaches and the Relationship Between Policy and Practice." Read Res Q, 47 (2012): 5-30. doi:10.1002/RRQ.008
"Coaching is effective because it is job-embedded, it is ongoing, it’s one-on-one, and it can be differentiated to meet the needs of an individual learner."
Aguilar, Elena. Coaching for Equity: Conversations That Change Practice. United States, Wiley, 2020.
High-quality, one-on-one coaching led to gains in equitable instruction by closing the racial discipline-referral gap and improving teacher levels of rigor and analysis.
Gregory, Anne et al. "Closing the Racial Discipline Gap in Classrooms by Changing Teacher Practice." School psychology review vol. 45,2 (2016): 171-191. doi:10.17105/SPR45-2.171-191
"For the last 10 years as I've consulted on coaching programs, the primary obstacle I see to effective coaching is a lack of structures. I've seen organizations that have resources, will and PD for coaches—but almost no organization I've worked with has in place an explicit, articulated coaching model."
Aguilar, Elena. Coaching for Equity: Conversations That Change Practice. United States, Wiley, 2020.
"Coaches were expected to spend 60% to 80% of their time working directly with teachers on issues of instruction. However, on average, instructional coaches spent only 28% of their time on these tasks."
Kane, Britnie Delinger, and Brooks Rosenquist. "Relationships Between Instructional Coaches' Time Use and District- and School-Level Policies and Expectations." American Educational Research Journal, vol. 56, no. 5, Oct. 2019:1718–1768. doi:10.3102/0002831219826580
Deussen, Theresa, Tracy Coskie, LeAnne Robinson, and Elizabeth Autio. "'Coach' can mean many things: Five categories of literacy coaches in Reading First" Issues & Answers Report, REL 2007-No. 005, Jun. 2007.
Knight, David S. "Assessing the Cost of Instructional Coaching." Journal of Education Finance, vol. 38, no. 1, 2012:52–80
Smith, Antony T. "Middle Grades Literacy Coaching from the Coach’s Perspective." RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education, vol. 35, no. 5, 2012